Cluster Site Health State

A healthy cluster should have two online Trustgrid nodes in a healthy state. The Trustgrid control plane can monitor the member nodes and generate events when their state changes such that the health of the cluster is impacted.


Cluster Health State

The Trustgrid will now display one of three states in the portal:

HealthyBoth members are online with a single member active.

There is at least one online and healthy member of the cluster with the active role AND one or more of these conditions is true:

  • One of the cluster members is offline, unhealthy or disabled
  • There are two cluster members with the active role

Both nodes are offline, unhealthy or disabled.

Force Health Validation

The cluster health state is evaluated when certain events occurs, such as a member disconnecting/reconnecting or the member health state changes. Occasionally this can lead to the state being reported incorrectly or a delay before the proper state is displayed.

If you wish to force the health state to be re-evaluated you can use the “Validate Health” command under Actions on the Cluster Overview panel.

Validate Health action